Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Beyond the Secret Garden: Mary and Dickon

This is an 'extended version' of chapter 9. Beware Lemons ahead, and characters acting a little OOC! you have been warned! :D

He bent down and softly kissed the tears from her cheeks, and then his lips found her mouth. She responded to him in a way that he had never felt before – wild and passionate, and he surprised himself with the intensity in which he reciprocated her embrace.

The early spring sunshine shone down on them as he pulled her towards him on the grass, and she went willingly. He embraced her again, wondering if he could ever get enough of her, of her soft lips, her firm kisses. Slowly, he pushed her back onto the lush grass of the garden, until they were laying side by side. He heard her sigh, and then felt her hands pushing up into the back of his shirt, and then they were stroking his skin.

‘I love thee.’ He whispered to her then. ‘I’ve always loved thee.’

She was crying again, and he heard her say through her tears ‘I’ve always loved you, Dickon.’

‘Oh Dickon, what will become of us?’ she asked, giving voice to the fear that he felt inside. He looked at her, wondering how he would be able to live without her, without waking up knowing that he would see her. He wondered how he was going to face each day knowing that she was far away in London. He remembered something his Mother had said to him once, and he said it to her now.

‘Just remember, we may be far apart – but we are together under the same sky. I will wait for thee, Mary.’

Their kisses became more urgent then. She kissed and touched him as though she wanted every part of him. In return, he kissed the soft flesh around her neck. He felt her shudder in pleasure.

Her touch was almost too much. At first he hands were upon his back, then they moved around to his side, and to the sensitive area of his stomach. He wished them to slip lower, yet at the same time he didn’t, worried about his ability to stay in control. Without knowing what he was doing, he ran a hand up the length of her leg, and up her thigh. The softness of her skin felt wonderful and he heard her moan as he pushed his hand up further.

All of a sudden he wanted her, as he had never wanted her before. He was shocked by the intensity of his feeling for her. All thoughts of them being interrupted fled from his mind as he kissed her again and again, feeling her reciprocate his embraces with a hunger he had never felt.

‘I want to see thee.’ He said, breathlessly. ‘Will tha’ let me…..?’ his voice trailed off, but she gleaned his meaning. Wordlessly she nodded, and then began unbuttoning the front of her dress.

‘I want to see you too, Dickon.’ She said, and he shrugged off his shirt, leaving his bare skin exposed to the spring sunlight. He heard her intake of breath, but there was no fear in her eyes.

‘I hope I don’t catch a sunburn on account o’ thee.’ He said in mock seriousness, and they both laughed. He leant down to help her with the buttons, but his fingers were shaking. She pushed her dress back, and he stared in wonder at the way her corset pushed her breasts up, wondering if he had ever seen anything as wonderful in his life. He ached to touch her, but he held back. Would she let him?

His thoughts were answered when she took his hand and guided it towards her cleavage. He looked at her as if to ask for her permission – did he dare? She nodded slightly, holding his hand in place. He pushed his fingers under the stiff corset, slowly and gently, holding his breath. He felt the hardness of a nipple and felt himself grow harder at her gasp of pleasure. Wordlessly, he caressed it with his fingertips.

Her hands reached up and stroked his chest. Her touch was light, as though she was unsure of how to proceed, and he held still when she moved her hands lower, flitting her fingers down under the waistband of his trousers. He jerked back.

‘Did I …. Did I do something wrong?’ she asked, concern in her voice.

‘No, no’ at all.’ He reassured her. ‘It just feels too good, is all.’

‘Oh.’ She said, a small secret smile playing on her face. She evidently liked being able to please him, Dickon thought and he would have been amused at her expression if the situation had been different.

He returned to where he had left off, wanting more of her. Slowly he moved his hand to the front of her corset, unclasping the hooks that held it in place. He wanted to feel the softness of her skin next to his. He wanted to lay down next to her and take her in his arms. He wanted all of her.

‘Would tha’ let me….’ His voice trailed off, and he indicated towards the front of her corset.

‘Yes.’ She whispered, nodding her head, her eyes meeting his. For the first time, he thought, she appeared nervous, but was trying hard not to show it. She was not alone in her fear. He too, felt scared. Should they really be doing this? He knew they were casting away all societal expectations and this frightened him somewhat. Yet he felt powerless to stop what he had begun.

He bent down and finished unclasping her, then pushed the corset away, exposing her pale skin to the sunlight. He sat back, admiring her for a few seconds. She was so beautiful. Soft milky white skin, her breasts small and perfectly formed. He reached out, bringing his hand lightly down her body, watching small Goosebumps form under his touch. He watched as she sighed and closed her eyes, and he continued to run his fingertips lightly over her body, savouring each perfect moment. This was all he had ever wanted, and it was more than he could ever have imagined. He listened to the rising and falling of her breath, the small murmurs of pleasure she made when his fingers strayed over a particularly sensitive spot. He felt as though he ought to get up, clear his head, before he did something he would regret.

‘Can you feel the magic, Dickon? I can. I can feel it when you touch me, I can feel it when you are next to me. I feel so alive and so happy.’ She looked up at him and smiled.

‘Aye, I can feel it.’ He said softly, still stroking her skin.

‘I don’t want you to stop what you’re doing. It feels too good.’

‘I don’t know if I can.’ He said honestly, feeling his need rising with every second that passed. ‘What if I …. What if I can’t?’

She pulled him down to her, so their skin was touching. It felt amazing, she was so warm and so close. She whispered into his ear, sending shivers down his spine.

‘That’s just it. I don’t want you to stop. Don’t you understand, Dickon? I’ll be leaving tomorrow. We have to make the most of the moment we have now.’

‘I don’t want to hurt you…. Mary. What if I do?’ he said, with genuine concern.

‘I’m ready for this.’ Her voice was still shaking. ‘I need you.’

They kissed again, deeply and passionately and Dickon was startled when she slipped her tongue into his mouth, lightly tasting him. He felt as though he would die of pleasure, be overwhelmed by it. It was almost too much. He rolled on top of her, pushing her skirt up, desperate now to be fulfilled. He couldn’t think of anything else now except Mary, and what it would feel like to be inside her. With an unexpected jolt her felt her reach down to unbutton his trousers. He struggled to contain his excitement as her hand brushed over his member, which was straining to be free. She moaned and pulled him down towards her.

He was trembling now, too. He couldn’t help it. This was his first time for both of them and he was unsure about what would please her. In wonder he felt himself enter her, her warmth enveloping him and he moaned deeply, pushing himself in further.

The sensation was overwhelming and he didn’t want it to end, yet he felt it building towards a beautiful and dizzying climax. He looked down on her and saw her eyes shut in pleasure, her breathing rapid. ‘Oh Dickon!’ she cried.

He pulled out slowly, and then pushed into her again, faster this time, and he heard her cry out. He held onto her tightly as he thrust in and out, feeling the magic of her and of the garden surge through him.

‘Oh… oh Mary!’ he cried. ‘Oh my god!’

Her cries matched his, and for a moment they became one. The magic joining them together, as though forever.